Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Absent but not Forgotten

It's been a busy month and appears that it will continue to be busy with the Thanksgiving holiday coming up next week, but I did find time today to check out some cool blogs and found a great holiday decorating idea. Perfect for your Thanksgiving table/decoration or even for Christmas. Pam's Blog Gingerbread Snowflakes deals with all things holidayish...okay, I think that is a word, if not it is now. She has instructions on decorating gourds. These are great and I love the little ones that could be used on a tree. No fancy paints are needed as Pam uses Sharpie pens and colored pencils, she even has links to farms that will sell the cleaned gourds. Check out Pam's blog for all the instructions HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your link to the holiday gourd post! There is something magical and appealing about playing on a gourd canvas and I am delighted you are helping me get the word out!
